Enersis Wellness Program within Toronto Hydro: A pilot Sudy. Dr. M Rice Toronto 1993
A systematic review of EBM and medical guidelines on the Assessment of trauma-based spinal instabilities. Dr. M Rice DC 2013
A critical review of lumbar orthosis and its relevance to clinical medicine: Interpretive analysis of the physiologic model of Dr. Ho’s 2 in 1 Back Relief Decompression Belt. Dr. M Rice DC ORM Toronto 2013
A pre and post x-ray based assessment of spinal stability in static and dynamic position using a lumbar support with two mechanical functions: forced extension and increased intra-abdominal pressure. Dr. M Rice DC ORM Toronto 2013
Grading immediate pain relief and strength improvements in a non-belted and belted-assessment using the Dr. Ho 2 in1 Lower Back Belt. Dr. M Rice DC ORM Associate Research: Physiomed Erin Mills health team. 2013
Clinical evaluation of the Dr. Ho 2-in-1 Back Relief Decompression Belt: Part One: A critical examination by the Ontario Research Medical Group Director. Dr. M Rice DC ORM Toronto 2013
A systematic review and analysis on the use of medical devices (Dr. Ho) for employee health improvement and employer savings. Dr M Rice, ORM, Toronto 2014
Radiology-based assessment of lumbar stability using a lumbar spine support with dual external systems: IAP and extension-driven traction mechanism. Dr M Rice DC ORM, Associate Research: Dr. Eric Saibil MD Radiologist Toronto, Physiomed clinics: Upper Wentworth, Bramalae, Erin Mills, Thornhill, Pavilion, Dixie, Kennedy, Islington 2014
A literature review on cervical spine traction and benefit claims. Positioning the Dr. Ho Neck Comforter in the spectrum of traction therapy devices. Dr. M Rice DC ORM Toronto 2014
Assessing the relationship between the reflexology therapeutic modality and the Dr. Ho Air Orthotic appliance. Dr. M Rice DC ORM Toronto 2014
Diabetes-specific report: Assessing the relationship between the reflexology therapeutic modality and the Dr. Ho Air Orthotic appliance with specific discussions on the merit of the Air Orthotics for diabetes patients. Dr. M Rice DC ORM Toronto 2014
A comparison practicum study of two lumbar support belts: The Dr. Ho 2 In 1 Decompression Belt with the DDS-500 Lumbo-Sacral Belt. Dr. M Rice DC ORM 2014
The Clinical Physique strength exercise modality: a systematic and critical review of its physiologic principles, practice applications and practical implications. Dr. M Rice DC ORM Toronto 2014
A systematic review paper examining the benefits of TENS (Transcutaneous Electric Nerve Stimulation) for primary dysmenorrhea-specific visceral hypersensitivity and pain. Dr. M Rice DC
Comprehensive attestation report: Linking the Dr. Ho Circulation Promoter with diabetes-related neuropathic and circulatory dysfunction. Dr. M Rice DC ORM Toronto 2015
Evaluating immediate spinal pain levels and spinal strength changes in non-belted and belted subjects during static positions and dynamic movements. Dr. M Rice DC ORM, Associate Research: Physiomed Erin Mills, Toronto 2015.
The Pain Erazor Version 2: TENS Medical Device: Positioning its operations specifications and physiologic working model within the realm of clinical indications and care Dr. Rice DC, ORM Toronto 2015
The Pain Erazor TENS Device: Positioning its operational specifications and physiologic working model within the realm of clinical indications and care. Dr. M Rice DC, Brand Developers, Auckland, New Zealand 2015
The Pain Erazor: Clinical Evaluation Report Dr. M Rice DC ORM Toronto 2015
Illustrating the importance of patient-focused comparative research (C.R.( in family medicine – Modelling C.R. using features of three TENS devices as essential markers for patient adherence to physician treatment recommendations. Dr. M Rice DC 2015
Assessing the relationship between the reflexology therapeutic modality and the Dr. Ho Insoles. Dr. M Rice DC
Examining lumbar spine decompression using translated gravitational forces via spinal inversion: A systematic review on the clinical evidence supporting spinal inversion for lower back pain of NMS (neuromusculoskeletal) nature. Dr. M Rice DC 2016
Pain Erazor – Use of trigger point in television media advertising. Dr. M Rice DC, ORM Brand Developers Auckland New Zealand October 2016
Dr. Ho’s Perfect Back Rest: A systematic research review on sitting support design, low back pain and economic ergonomic benefits. Dr. M Rice 2016
Medical device risk management (RM) report and post-market surveillance recommendations: Dr. Ho foot pad electrodes (FPE). Dr. M Rice DC ORM Toronto 2016
Systematic review paper: The use of TENS (Transcutaneous Electric Nerve Stimulation) for mammalian pain control. Dr. M Rice DC ORM Toronto 2016
A Critical Review of Dr. Ho’s Motionciser Medical Device’s Clinical Benefit Aligned with Subsequent Claims and Clinical Outcome Expectations. Dr. M Rice MD DC ORM Toronto 2022