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How long does the PTP program take from start to finish?It takes four months to get through the lecture content. Then there is a practicum that is divided into two sections. The first is hands on learning modules that are conducted at a BCD location either at our head office in Northern Ontario or Toronto, for now. The second part is conducted in clinics where you would be an extern. To graduate from the entire program, you must have treated 30 patients which are all reviewed by both the Faculty of Medicine and the clinic director. The externship can take up to 12 months to graduate. However, during this time you are working and health care costs are covered for your time as would a resident in a medical specialty program.
As a PTP, can I be on my own or do I need to stay involved with Better Call Doc?After graduation, you will be completely on your own - your certification empowers you, with no ties to us except that we are the academics that give you the credibility to be a PTP. With that said, we don't know why you'd want to be on your own. The BCD Academy is there to help you get patients, guide you as an independent practitioner should you want to be independent, and network with you in order to help with your post-grad business growth. We also give you opportunities to teach with us and work with our student recruitment and education program. BCD is the only education program that actually works with its graduates long-term.
How much money can I expect to make from the Pain Therapy Practitioner programWOW - this is a question that we get a lot so we thought we'd put it up and deal with this in the PAQ's. We are hopeful that you are not a health & wellness practitioner to make money. The right answer is obviously that you are fulfilled by helping people with their health & fitness goals. With that said, to be rewarded by other means like financial gains is a good thing - we, as much as any other academic institutions would be hypocrites to deny this bottom line benefit. On average, a Pain Therapy Practitioner can generate from 60 to 250 thousand per year. There are too many markers to consider that can allow us to narrow down a range. The reason why is this certification specialty allows you, with our help, to expand beyond a single-practitioner clinic that you may have by yourself. It also depends on the population demographics where you are living. On top of that, we help our graduates build their brand and use our experiences to assist with other means of generating large income sets that are related to their brand such as product development. So you see, there is no clear answer to this question. We have a large section on this site discussing the struggles that fitness trainers have these days - the competition, how they are treated by gym owners with low hourly wages what you should remember from the answer of this question is this: the best way to get out of these relationships is to empower yourself with a therapy specialty that will make you competitive in the market and allow for additional health service billings to be added to your fitness practice.
Do I need to get involved with CE programs after graduation?Yes! All practitioners in all disciplines of medicine must continue with their life-long learning process. However, as far as your PTP specialty is concerned, if you keep in touch with us, we will be your CE program as we regularly send articles or summaries of articles to read via email. If we provide your certification for any NASM program you undertake, you will be required to upkeep with fitness-related CE content via our input, again. If you are NASM-directly certified (examination must be taken online) then they have independent requirements which does involve providing CE hour credits to their CE department.
Why does the PTP specialty course cost so much?Your education never costs, it pays. Education today is not cheap, we agree. The PTP course involves many different practitioners and clinics. Our education facilities have high running costs as well. It just costs, there is no other way of putting it. Unlike online video-based asynchronous courses, our methods are unique and this equates to benefits for you and costs for us. Each student is processed and accepted individually. We are not a click-and-pay certification course. We are a highly ranked program that is affiliated with a Faculty of Medicine. After graduation, your PTP clinical kit also comes with your graduation. That means that you will be getting approximately $4,000 USD in physical therapy equipment that you will need in order to practice. The good news is this: PTP allows for a deposit and we can finance the cost of the balance over time. When you are working as an extern, you will be paid for your work so finance charges are easy to make. These are great options for students.
What is the Sexy Back certification program all about?We are very proud of Sexy Back. This is a future App, a certification program and a medical self-help book written by our clinic director, Dr. Michel Rice. The book encompasses a program that is proprietary to Sexy Back and Dr. Rice. The program involves helping people with chronic lower back pain. Dr. Rice devised a certification program that is unlike any other fitness certification course in the world. Given that it is tied to our future App for members to join and that it will have Geo-fencing programming to refer members directly to Sexy Back trainers, it's a great way to build a referral practice. You can visit the Sexy Back website at if you want more information. The certification course has a 4 level certification strata. The first involves the book alone and working with the patient to understand the book concepts and lower their pain markers. The second level is more active therapy for lower back performance improvement. The third involves sexual performance training where programs are designed to help patients improve their sexual strength and power as much as transforming their physique into feeling, looking and being more sexy. Imagine that! The fourth level involves learning to work with more severe physical impairments, injuries and instabilities and connecting the therapy with pain management as much as improving their pelvic function and sexual performance. That's another wow, right?
Can I take-on two or more certification programs at the same time?Absolutely ... that is, if you can handle the work load. Our programs are designed to accommodate people's lifestyles. Handling family responsibilities, work duties etc... must take priority. That's why we can work with individual students to make sure they can balance their course loads without stress. We know what's involved with each course because we are the ones teaching, mentoring, instructing and coaching. So if we recommend to not take more than one course at a time for your particular circumstances, the we suggest you take our advice and take on your course at a pace that is realistic and achievable. You need to be certified in fitness or have other relevant degrees in order to take the PTP program. Taking on CPT-NASM can be done at the same time, however. A large part of the PTP involves active therapy. the CPT and other fitness trainer courses well-prepare the students for this segment. Don't worry, if you're a Bachelor's degree graduate, PSW or nurse we will help you along with this part of the education program.
What is your examination like?Pain Therapy Practitioner Examination This examination takes on a university-level process. We evaluate students with a more in-person individualized approach involving various styles of evaluation such as: research input class participation independent paper writing accessory readings oral examination as well as written exams that are answered in paragraph personalized formats case studies in a written presentation format presented by student on their own patients case studies examination format where the Academy presents cases to the student orally and in written format observational video submissions of student actual clinical work : history taking, some evaluations and all treatment types. NASM courses You will have two choices. You can obtain a certificate of completion from the Academy with the University of Montserrat Faculty of Medicine affiliation. The certificate is granted after a series of assessments encompassing similar topics such as listed above in the PTP examination. The other examination is an online examination that is extended directly by NASM. This will provide you with a certificate from NASM. Both are very different formats of examinations. The BCD Academy and University prefers its own formats of examination for the certificate of completion as it is far more practical, experiential and relevant to the future fitness trainer specialist.
Do I need to travel to learn the practical part of the PTP program?YES! You will have choices of Northern Ontario, Toronto or Chicago. We will make all arrangements for you so all you have to do is get to the airport (with your credit card, of course). Our Northern Ontario location is ready to go. We have our own education facilities tied to our own graduate clinic, rehabilitation centre and private gym. Costs are much lower in the north as well. We obviously favour this location but Toronto and Chicago will be options for students. Our Chicago location will involve working with medical students and touring our hospital affiliation with our American University of Montserrat clinical location, Jackson Park Hospital. The hands on is intense. It will take one entire weekend to review all of the hands-on mobilization movements as well as modality review and patient examination processes. So be rested and be ready for it. All NASM programs are covered online. For the examination process, you can submit papers and video projects via email and we will use recorded video conferencing for oral examinations.
Can I take on medical school to become an MD at some point?YES! If your undergrad qualifications entitle you to apply directly for acceptance into the AUM Faculty of Medicine, by all means you are welcome to apply. If you are not sure about your qualifications, reach out to use and we'll help you evaluate your current status. If you don't have any undergrad courses required to apply, we have an exciting pre-med program you can take. It's only 8 months and if you pass (conditions apply) you will receive acceptance into the Faculty of Medicine. The premed is done online and encompasses both asynchronous and synchronous learning modules. For more information on both premed and medical school visit our website:
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