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Fact, Evidence & the Pursuit of Truth.


ORM’s commitment to leadership and excellence in diagnostic medicine

and research is for the benefit

of all Ontario patients.

O r d e r   o f   T h i n g s

A step-by-step description of how ORM's instability screens work



ORM recognizes the value of discovery

and our assistance to

health care teams, equally,

for the assurance of each

patient’s safe recovery.

F I R S T   S T E P
ORM reviews the patient's biomechanical forensics involving the accident followed by a medical history.
The screening history looks for clinical markers of deep ligament injuries. Select markers are required to proceed to x-ray.
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S E C O N D     S T E P 
End range neck and/or lower back x-rays are taken at any radiology centre in the Province of Ontario.

The films are then read by the radiologist and by Dr. Rice at ORM.

If negative, a follow-up medical history is usually indicated in 4 to 6 weeks and if symptoms persist with positive markers for instability, a follow-up x-ray screen (partial only 2 views required) may be ordered.

If positive, ORM proceeds with a full assessment application persuent to SABS regulations.
T H I R D   S T E P 
A medical report is written by ORM for the patient's medical physician, rehabilitation clinic, insurer & legal teams.
The report discusses the nature of the injuries, clinical recommendations, new direction for rehabilitation & prognosis.
The purpose of the report is to guide everyone involved in the patient's recovery given the diagnosis in order to optimize recovery and allow the patient a chance to recover safely to a pre-accident functional status.
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