Hello NASM Behaviour Change Specialist [BCS]
What You’ll Learn
It's time to create authentic, long-lasting change in the lives of your clients. As an NASM Behavior Change Specialist, you’ll be able to do just that by learning how to identify the things that motivate your clients most and how to use them to build sustainable results.
You'll learn tactics and tools such as effective goal setting, behavior change techniques, cognitive behavior therapy techniques, effective imagery, interpersonal and social influences on behavior change, and more.
Once complete, you’ll be equipped with everything necessary to help your clients reach goals they never thought they could. Enroll today and start helping your clients do things they never thought possible.
My Story
Why Become a Behavior Change Specialist?
Design programs that can yield quicker, more effective results, and help to raise client retention
Downloadable 9 module Behavior Change manual
Master the three stages of goal setting
Customize techniques to clients' personality and identity
Ability to adjust training methods as your clients progress in their training
The best research-based program on the market
CHAPTER ONE: Introduction to Behavior Change
Learn how to identify and define emerging occupations in the area of wellness and coaching.
CHAPTER TWO: Coaching and Communication
Understand how to define the term coaching in the context of a helping profession and be able to explain the scope of practice involved with the real of the coach. Additionally, you will be able to describe the basic elements of coaching communication along with how learning preferences play a role in achieving coaching outcomes.
CHAPTER THREE: Client Screening and Assessment
Discover Lazarus's multimodal assessment framework and understand client functioning from a multimodal perspective which can help determine appropriate behaviour change techniques. This chapter will allow you to be able to explain the importance of identifying the stage of change a client is in to determine the best intervention strategies.
CHAPTER FOUR: Effective Goal Setting
Understand the importance of goal setting a behavioUr change technique.
CHAPTER FIVE: Behaviour Therapy Techniques
Discuss the fundamental concepts of behaviour therapy that support long-lasting behavioural change and describe major behaviour therapy techniques, including contingency contracting, Premacking, stimulus control, modelling, and relaxation training
CHAPTER SIX: Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
Understand cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and its techniques relevant to health and fitness. Moreover, determine which CBT self-help strategies are appropriate for each stage of change for health and fitness clients.
CHAPTER SEVEN: Effective Imagery
Describe how imagery is used to facilitate behaviour change in health and fitness along with identifying the functions for which imagery techniques are employed.
CHAPTER EIGHT: Interpersonal and Social Influences on Behavior Change
Understand social influence as it relates to the adoption of a new behavior and identify social influences that affect adherence to exercise and nutrition programs.
CHAPTER NINE: Professional Practice and Ethics
Familiarize yourself with the benefits to clients and professionals of adhering to a high standard of ethical conduct. Further, differentiate the scope of practice between a wellness professional and a licensed healthcare professional which will allow you to describe conditions under which referrals to other professionals are warranted. You will be able to therefore outline a system to maintain good records of client process through identifying critical ethical standards to which the wellness professionals should adhere.
There are no prerequisites for this course. A fitness or wellness credential or a bachelor's degree is recommended but not required.
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